Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Grind | No Excuses

It’s not enough to say that you care. It’s not enough to say that you desire to help. There’s a phrase that I like to use which is “talk is cheap.” Jesus basically said that all through His ministry on this earth. It’s not enough to want to do something but it is to do something. In Isaiah 1:17 it says, “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.” Until we do these things, until we get to the point where it’s just not enough to think about it, we will continue to be everything that we despise. Jesus was known to let it be heard that our jobs as followers or disciples is to “do unto others” and “if you do these things to the least of these, you have also done it unto Me.” It is fine time that we finally get up and do something. That is why The Chipped Mug is partnering with Project 58, Joyce Meyer Ministries, Chocolate and the Red Shoe, Restoration ASAP Ministries Inc., and so many more. Can you imagine what a world of difference you can make by simply doing something; whether it be giving money to various humanitarian outreaches or taking a warm meal to an elderly neighbor? Whatever the case may be, it’s not enough to say anything until you do something.

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