Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mind? What Mind? Week 19

I still laugh when I hear Sara mention, "I have prenancy brain." Some people may think it's a fake thing but I am starting to beleive it more and more. Not that she forgets a lot....okay, she does. I can't complain. I'm not even pregnant, so what's my excuse? Sympathy Pregnancy Brain. It's a new thing I bet they are going to come up with a drug for. Any takers? We are finally in week 19. I say that like it's been a real long pregnancy. We were just talking the other day about how fast this one is going compared to Maleah. Then again, we are chasing her around the house more often saying, "No Maleah, don't touch." I can hear Mammaw's voice, "I believe that is the most hard headest...." Anyone reads this knows she was talking about Amanda, right? Ahem...right. Anywho, Sara's doing pretty good. The normal gravings are there which is nice. Along with the comes heartburn,, I am not doing the commercial. Pretty soon, we will see what our little sprout is. Whether it's a girl or a boy. Maybe I should run a contest?

Our Baby at 19 Weeks
How your baby's growing:Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Other news:

I have been working loads of overtime this week which is nice. Next week will be even busier as we prepare for the new software system we are getting on June 1. It's going to rock! I have enjoyed the overtime but must admit, as any husband or father would, I miss my family. I thank God this is Memorial Day weekend. It's going to be good. We are heading to the zoo on Monday if it doesn't rain. I am cutting back in a few areas and if you have seen the Myspace and Facebook numbers, they have dropped dramatically. I had all these people on my "friends" list and maybe 5 commented a few times a year. But that's not the reason for the slim down. Have you noticed Myspace's ads? Seriously, you would think that they would have more taste...wait a minute. Nevermind. So I have decided to cut the strings. To the site, that is! Don't need to see any of that here in this house from anyone who isn't my wife. But seriously, it's annoying to be trying to log in and bam! There's a girl winking at you with suggestive clothing saying be my friend. No thanks. I will just pass. So in June, the Myspace band wagon ends. I have been a loyal blogger there for almost 5 years and have not seen any improvement. What can I say though? So long, fare well, a vida say goodbye.....

Anyway, in more news, we finally got our yard cut this week. It rained over night but I decided to suffer it out. Which means Sara went to work, the baby was at Aunt Wendy's, and it was on my list of things to do. Sure, I love to cut the grass. I do, however, loathe bugs that bite me while i destroy their habitat. Suck it up and be a mosquito! Ahem.

American Idol and Survivor are gone for the season so here I am on Thursday nights thanking God we have games! We should have a game night soon. Oh, Wait, you all live forever and ten miles away. Doh!

I hope you all have an awesome weekend! Soon Sean will get to see Jessica again when she gets back from Dominican Republic. September seems so far away.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I tell Val all the time that the "baby is zapping your brain." She gets absentminded, has short-term memory loss or today she momentarily forgot how to tie a bow!